Frequently asked questions
Please see below for answers to frequently asked questions.
You can also email if you have other questions that you would like to ask the team.
Yes all of the premises that we use are accessible. To find more details about this, please see our Herts Haven Cafés page
No, but please check our Herts Haven Cafés page for details of where to park.
Our staff could support the young person to make a referral to the appropriate service for their needs. Café staff are adopting not only a supportive emotional and wellbeing approach but they are also able to support young people and their families to navigate the CYPMHS system and access other services they may require.
Herts Haven Cafés are a separate provision to the With Youth service, but both services are delivered by Hertfordshire Mind Network.
Data is collected and stored to ensure that we can support you in the best way possible. If you use our service over a period of time, this also reduces the number of times that you need to repeat your story.
Please speak to a member of the team if you would like to know more about how your information is used. You can also find out more on how we use hold, share and use this data by reading our Privacy Policy.
We ask for a name to help us see when and how many times you have used the service and to plan future delivery.
- Your age helps us to find out which age groups are using the service so that we can understand how we can best reach and support all different age groups.
- Your town/ district helps us to see which areas of Hertfordshire are using the service so that we can promote the work that we do in the areas that are missing out.
We share anonymised information with the organisation that fund the project so they can monitor our contracts, but we do not share any personal information with them.
No personal data is shared outside of the organisation.
Our staff all have experience of working with children and young people in a variety of settings. They aren’t therapists, but they have a wealth of experience in creating safe, supported settings for children and young people to explore their feelings and learn new skills.
To see more information about our team, please see our Our Team page
Cafes will provide a safe space to help children and young people to understand the importance of looking after their mental health, helping them with strategies to cope, providing access to support from The Sandbox/ Lumi Nova, Step up and step down from other services e.g. help whilst on waiting lists and/ or a place to touch base when they have completed some treatment etc.