BfB Labs

BfB Labs is an impact-led enterprise on a mission to ensure children and young people are able to access the support and build the skills and resilience they need to improve and sustain good mental health.

We provide age-appropriate, evidence-based, digital therapeutic interventions that offer effective mental health support early on, to children and young people in a way that is fun and non-stigmatising.

At the heart of BfB Labs is a person-centred approach, co-creating with children, parents/carers, school staff and clinicians – which led us to fuse proven therapies with immersing and responsible gaming.

We place therapeutic best practice into children and young people’s hands in a way that is safe, effective, engaging and accessible anytime anywhere.

Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage is BfB Labs’ award-winning offer, regulated by the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). It is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT-based) therapeutic mobile game designed for 7-12 year olds that facilitates exposure therapy for children, and empowers learning to tackle anxieties and build resilience.

To find out more please see our Lumi Nova page.