About our training
We have a select menu of targeted training sessions and workshops that can be delivered to staff, children and young people and their parents/carers at a cost. These sessions are specifically focused on individual mental health topics that are relevant to the current needs of children and young people. They draw on the comprehensive knowledge and experience of our Children and Young People practitioners working in the field of CYP mental health, as well as up to date research and evidence.
We can support both children and young people and the professionals that work with them through delivering specialised paid-for training on the below topics:
- Understanding Self-Harm in Children & Young People: A Non-Clinical Perspective (Professionals Only)
- Understanding Eating Disorders in Children & Young People (Professionals Only)
- Understanding Anxiety in Children & Young People (Professionals Only)
- Using Creativity for Promoting Wellbeing (Workshop)
- Understanding Anxiety and Building Resilience
- Young Children’s Mental Health and Development (Professionals Only)
Please see the course information below.
We are continually designing and developing new sessions in line with emerging CYP mental health needs in the county. Please get in contact if there is an area or topic in relation to Children and Young People’s mental health that your school would like training or a workshop around and we will do our best to support you with this.
Costs depend on the course and can be discussed upon enquiry.
Get in touch if you would like us to deliver one of these sessions for you!
Please contact us on 020 3727 600 or email us at [email protected]