Links to other helpful organisations

If you are looking for immediate mental health crisis support please call call 111 option mental health, or if you are in immediate danger call 999.

Please see the links below to find helpful information and resources from other organisations that support children and young people:

CYP Signposting Guide

Our Signposting Guide signposts children and young people to mental health support in Hertfordshire, which you can download & print.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Information on emotional health and wellbeing support available for children and young people in Hertfordshire

CAMHS (opens in a new window)

Just Talk

Young people’s emotional wellbeing information and signposting to help in Hertfordshire.

Just Talk (opens in a new window)

Health for Under 5’s

A website providing information about health for 0-5 year olds. 

Health for Under 5’s (opens in a new window)

Services for Young People 

Services for Young People is part of Hertfordshire County Council and provides youth work projects, information, advice, guidance, work-related learning and wider support for young people in Hertfordshire.

T: 0300 123 7538

Services for Young People (opens in a new window)

The Mix

Emotional support for under 25s. They provide information, resources, emotional support, 1-2-1 chat and a Crisis Messenger.

T: 0808 808 4994

The Mix (opens in a new window)


A free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. They are there for you online, on the phone, anytime. They provide information, resources and emotional support.

T: 0800 1111

Childline (opens in a new window)

Young Minds

They provide mental health support for young people, parents and professionals working with young people.  They also provide training and resources. They provide a Parents Helpline and Webchat.

Young Minds (opens in a new window)

Herts Sunflower

Support for children and young people who are experiencing abuse.

Herts Sunflower (opens in a new window)

Young Pride in Herts

Young Pride in Herts for young LGBT+ people. It is run by Services for Young People in collaboration with young LGBT+ people in the county and provides information and advice on a range of issues, including gender identity, coming out, taking care of your health and what to do if you are experiencing hate crime.

Young Pride (opens in a new window)

Health for Teens

Health information for teenagers.

Health for Teens (opens in a new window)