With Youth instant messaging
We understand mental health and wellbeing and we are here for you if you are finding things difficult.
Our instant messaging is a safe, supported online space for you to talk to us about the things that are important to you. If you are struggling with your feelings, we can work alongside you to help you explore and understand them.
If you are between the ages of 5-18 or a parent/caregiver of a 5-18 year old, message us to get support with any mental health concern.
We can talk about what you are experiencing and offer you support, information and advice.
- Are you experiencing a dip in your mental health?
- Are things difficult with school, family or friends?
- Are you stressed, worried, anxious or overwhelmed?
- Is there something impacting your wellbeing that you would like to talk through?
Opening times
Our team will be here at the following times:
Every day from 2pm-10pm (excluding Bank Holidays)
To reach out to us:
By Message: Click the chat icon on this page to start speaking with one of our team. The icon will only appear on the page when we are open.
By Phone: Call us on 0208 189 8400
We will ask for some basic details about you when you talk to us, however you have the option to remain anonymous should you wish to. By accessing instant messaging, you consent to us holding data and information on our secure database. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.
The conversation you have with us will be confidential unless we have any concerns about your or someone else’s safety. We will always aim to speak with you if we need to break this confidentiality.
This is an early intervention service, here to support 5-18 year olds with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. We are not a mental health crisis support service.
If you feel that your life or somebody else’s life is in immediate danger please dial 999 and speak to the emergency services.
If you need urgent help regarding your mental health, please click the Get Help Now button at the top of the page.
Please note, the instant messaging icon will only appear on the page when we are open.
Please see our FAQs below for further information on Instant Messaging.
Can I be anonymous?
We will ask for a name at the start of the chat, but you can choose whether you provide us with your name or use a nickname instead.
If you would rather not have to retell your story please use the same nickname each time you reach out to us.
Can I delete my chat?
You can delete your With Youth chat history.
If you don’t want the next person using your device to be able to see a chat that you have had with With Youth then follow these 3 steps:
- Click the ‘X’ to leave the chat.
- Visit a different website (e.g. www.google.co.uk).
- Click on ‘Internet History’ & select “Clear History”.
The next time you want to chat with With Youth you will need to submit your details again.
Is the service confidential?
When do you break confidentiality?
With Youth will only break confidentiality if we believe that you or another young person are in immediate danger or are at risk of immediate harm. We will always be honest with you and we will try and work with you to find the best way to keep you and other young people safe. We will never hide what we are doing from you.
If you are not at risk of harm but would like us to tell someone you trust something, we can explore this with you too.
At With Youth we very rarely break confidentiality.
Who do I speak to?
Whenever you contact With Youth you will chat with a fully trained Practitioner. We all complete the same training so we all work in a very similar way. We listen to you to understand what is happening in your life and to help you find the best way to move forwards that feels right for you.
What do you use my information/details for?
- We ask for a name to help us see when and how many times you have used the service and to plan future delivery. Remember if you would prefer to remain anonymous, that’s okay. Just give a first name, initials or a nickname.
- Your age helps us to find out which age groups are using the service so that we can understand how we can best reach and support all different age groups.
- Gender identity is important to us and helps us to make sure that With Youth is reaching and supporting everyone in a way that works for them.
- Ethnicity is important to us and helps us to make sure that With Youth is reaching and supporting everyone in a way that works for them.
- Your postcode helps us to see which areas of Hertfordshire are using the service so that we can promote the work that we do in the areas that are missing out. If you prefer to remain anonymous it’s okay to just give us the first 3 digits of your postcode.
How long does a chat last?
There is no right or wrong amount of time for a chat to last. An average chat lasts around 30-45 minutes. Some chats only last a few minutes but others can last longer. The most important thing is that we have enough time to support you in the way that feels right for you.
How many times can I use the chat?
There are no limits to the number of times that you can use With Youth’s instant messaging/helpline service. You can use it as often as you need in order to receive the support you need and to talk about what is important to you.
Can I always talk to the same person?
Our practitioners work at different times on different shifts so it is unlikely that you will always speak to the same person. All of our practitioners work in the same way, so no matter who you talk with, you will always receive the same type of support.
What can I talk about?
At With Youth you can talk about anything that is important to you. We will always listen and we will never judge. We aim to support you in the way that feels right for you in that moment.
We are not a crisis support service and if you feel that your life or somebody else’s life is in immediate danger we recommend that you dial 999 and speak to the emergency services. Samaritans can be called on 116 123 or Papyrus Hopeline UK on 0800 068 4141 (9am-10pm weekdays & 2pm-10pm weekends & Bank Holidays).
Who can I talk to if With Youth is closed?
If you need to talk to someone when With Youth is closed you can have an online chat with ChildLine by visiting www.childline.org.uk or by calling them on 0800 11 11. ChildLine is available 24 hours per day. Alternatively visit our online support pages for other options.
I am working with other professionals. Can I still use the service?
Yes. Even if you are receiving support from another service or professional, you can still access our instant messaging and/or helpline service.
What if my mate takes my phone and pretends to be me?
Even if you have spoken to us before we will never share any information with you that you told us in a previous chat. If anyone does pretend to be you in a chat they will not find out from us anything that you have spoken about before (also see “Can I delete my chat?” above).