Making a referral to our services


Our counselling service is fully-funded and provides counselling for children and young people who are aged between 5-19th birthday and registered with a Hertfordshire GP. Our counselling is provided through groups or 1:1 sessions, both in-person or online, depending on the child or young person’s needs and preferences. The most suitable option for the child or young person will be decided in collaboration at their assessment meeting.

If you have any questions regarding our counselling service, please email us at: or call us on 0208 189 8400 (Option 1).

Alternatively, if you would like to complete a referral form for any of our support listed here, please complete our online referral form, or download it and send it back to the team at 


Counselling Referral Form

Download Referral Form

With Youth

Any child or young person aged 5-18, parent/caregiver or professional in Herts can reach out and speak to us between 2pm and 10pm, every day (excluding Bank Holidays) through our instant messaging platform. No referral is needed!

Alternatively, if you would like to complete a referral form for any of our support listed here, please complete our online referral form, or download it and send it back to the team at

We can also take referrals by phone or face-to-face at one of our Wellbeing Centres. Please call us on 0208 189 8400 (Option 2).


With Youth Referral Form

Download Referral Form

Herts Haven Cafés 

No referral needed, simply drop-in during opening times.

For more information about the opening hours